FREE Ebook~ Create Everlasting Happy Memories with Your Family & Community
A Book Every Parent, Grandparent, Educator, Community Leader and Event Planner will be Excited to Share with Others!
This award-winning author guides you through the simple steps that honor every day events and milestones to create the kinds of celebrations that lead to everlasting happy memories. This inspiring workbook is a timeless resource for anyone searching for practical and fun ways to bring more meaning and wholeness into their family and community. Every parent, grandparent & educator will love this!
We astutely explore how positive new traditions, myths or teaching stories and rites of passage celebrations have the common elements of balancing responsibility with earned privileges while blending support, encouragement, appreciation and honoring into the process. She presents how these valuable ways all inspire group participation, which honors the wisdom of each individual, thus assisting the problem children as well as those who are highly gifted and evolved. Building strength and a deeper sense of connection within families and communities in memorable and healthy ways, is her worthy passion. Written in a practical and visionary style, Iris K Barratt first courageously shares her personal psychic or spiritual vision that came to her as universal wisdom from ancient grandmothers who spoke to her as a call to action. She further explores the chilling reality of the many new, modern challenges that face our children today and the obvious negative consequences. The visionary, pleading voices of the grandmothers combined with awareness of the shocking realities most children, parents and cultures now face, sounds the alarm and inspires the new forms of action presented here. Iris poetically weaves rich wisdom from indigenous cultures, honoring each other, the earth and special moments in time, into memorable life moments. Explore how easily new traditions, myths, rituals and rites of passage celebrations are all simple yet profound ways to forge a more wholesome future for everyone. This workbook is packed with inspiration for creating and sharing: ·Fun New Family Traditions ·Myths and Teaching stories to embrace universal values ·Celebrations and ceremonies that honor the transitions of time ·Guidelines for recognizing you need a ritual or rite of passage ·Elements for creating exceptional rites of passage celebrations ·An abundance of fun examples and resourceful links to inspire you ·Worksheets to inspire your creativity and organize your events ·Ways to integrate unity within diversity & be part of the grassroots solutions within society This inspiring workbook is a timeless resource for anyone searching for practical and fun ways to bring more meaning and wholeness into their family and community.